Branding Design | 2024
The Safe Place is a brand that I created that is an organization that was targeted as therapy for families with specifically adopted or foster children it also served as therapy for both the children and the parents. My own life and those who I have met in the past these experiences inspired this brand as an adopted child as well as others and scientific studies of the mental effect of adoption on children and the struggles of adjusting to a new family or non-birth family, with very few options in family therapy that do not involve forcing the family to talk as a group when most of the time breakthroughs in mental health come from one-on-one time with a trusted professional that was the goal of this organization.
It is a safe place where both children and the parents can get the necessary therapy to work through their struggles and how to improve the family's connection through learning to understand each other through games. The brand combines fun and sophistication by utilizing games as a way for children to open up to trained professionals and for parents and children to have a fun and low-impact way to discuss deeper emotions.